Friday, June 22, 2007

Design 1

I guess I was inspired by this guy, who used red brick, but I was looking for real fire bricks:
I do not like to eat it in my pizza.

While we do not have it here in Home Deport ( ?!) , in Japan they do have it in small town near Kyoto! I was amazed how much better "JapHome Deport" is.

So, with real fire bricks and some improvised parts I created this simple design.

Here is a list of parts I used :

1) Real Fire bricks to build oven internals
2) Steel grill for ... err grill :-) I got a nice big and strong one to hold the roof of oven ( top briks of flat roof)
3) Some steel wire to hold it toghther ( not such a good choise and not realy needed)
4) Block for foundation - what I found on backyard
5) Some road briks for insualtion - what ever I found around :-) Also used to form a roof and door for oven

Also, I got fire wood. Latter on I tried nice wood charcoild as well.

Ok. Now Let see it all setp by step.