This is one of the most famous Russian cakes: "Ptiche Moloko" - (birds milk ). There is no such thing so it means some thing so good it is out of this world. There is a number of variations, with and without biscuit layer ( you can use any type that you managed to master), but what is important is reach "suffle" made from egg whites , sugar and heavy cream: wipe it up with mixer to have a lot of air: use pasteurized egg whites ( make sure there is no flavor added - some target morning breakfast and will not do) Agar agar is used to make it "solid", but it can be substituted with gelatin. After cake is done and set you should cover it with thin layer of good chocolate. Let chocolate to solidify and enjoy your cake after pizza party with hot tea if you still have room left.
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This book is great. It is not your typical how-to cook book: it is so much more. There are tons of pictures and stories about culture of food in Russia for all it different republics. It is amazing. We got other books from this series and we love it.